AJ McDonald

Human Potential Coach

Do you often feel like you were meant for more? Like you are not living up to your own potential? You are not alone!

Your mindset is the key to unlocking your future and overcoming the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from living up to your true potential. I help people uncover what is holding them back then establish the right mindset and habits to shape the future they know they deserve.

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  • Christy Outman

    I want to express my deep gratitude for the unwavering support and guidance I've received on my journey. Aj has been more than a guide; he's been my anchor, my motivator, and the driving force behind my resilience. In navigating the intricate steps toward success, he's not just offered advice; he's shared in the weight of the journey, making each step feel less daunting. His empathetic approach has created a space where I feel heard and understood.

    What sets Aj apart is his unique ability to balance empathy with accountability. He doesn't just provide guidance; he ensures I stay on my path by checking in regularly. His commitment goes beyond mere words; he actively participates in my growth, providing honest feedback whether I like it or not. This blend of encouragement and accountability.

    It's evident that Aj isn't driven by financial gain; his genuine desire to help people become their best selves shines through. His altruistic approach to coaching is a rare gem in a world where true empathy can sometimes be scarce. If you're seeking not just a guide but someone who genuinely cares about your journey, booking a session with Aj McDonald is more than a step toward success – it's an investment in heartfelt, impactful growth.

  • Claire Tinkler

    I have nothing but extremely positive things to say about Coach AJ. I stumbled upon him at a time in my life when I thought I had it all figured out. Little did I know, I had it all backwards. I was tying my worth to my work and my work hours, and giving more to people than I was giving to myself. I was constantly depressed, full of anxiety and overwhelm. He has lifted me up from the gallows, in a sense. Now that I realize how much he has truly helped me, I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t found him. I probably would have gotten another W2 job and become yet again a “slave to the wage”, where I was constantly unhappy (and limited by glass ceilings). That is not what I want in life, and it never has been. I know that we all have unlimited potential inside us, you just have to focus on what you truly want and stay consistent.. and positive. I still struggle with the positivity part at times, and I still get tunnel vision with my work, sometimes, also - but that is what I have him for! I cannot wait to see where life takes me now. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to work with my Coach! He has changed my life in so many ways. My work life is better, I value myself and my work, and my relationships have improved. THANK YOU, COACH AJ!